Nainen etsii miestä / Lappi / 14
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1682040: Sexy Aliss in Rovaniemi
Hello! I’m Aliss.
I’m polite, gentle, affectionate, sensitive and at the same time passionate dirty girl. I love sex and I really enjoy what I do. I want to make you more relaxed and enjoy your time cause I don’t rush and I prefer quality over quantity.
I meet you with a smile like we know each other a long time.
I am open to listening to our fantasies and making them a reality. I am very friendly and open mind. My goal is to want you comfortable. Meet me for an unforgettable experience filled with great moments and lasting memories! +358449430651
I understand the importance of mutual respect, which includes respecting each other’s time. I am punctual and expect the same from others. A simple apology for any delays is always appreciated.
Once again,a big thank you for visiting my page! I hope to see you soon. Have a lovely day!
Kuvia: 3 kpl.
Väliaikainen nimimerkki: Aliss
Ikä: 25 vuotta.
Jätetty: (17.01.2025 )
Viimeksi nähty: 17.01.2025 klo 21:01
katsottu: 296 kertaa tässä.
katsottu: 1085 kertaa sivulla.
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